Home Assistant Template

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By Getsion


Home Assistant Template – atan2(y,x,default) will return the four-quadrant tangent of the arc y/x. If y or x cannot be converted to a float, return the default value, or raise an error if omitted. It can be used as a filter

mean([x,y,…], default) will return the average value of the sequence If the list is empty or contains a non-numeric value, it returns the default value, or if it is omitted it raises an error. It can be used as a filter

Home Assistant Template

Home Assistant TemplateSource: community-assets.home-assistant.io

This site, Leonardo Smart Home Makers Ltd. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to this site. There are several possible configuration files that you may want to explore

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Everything I’m going to show you is basic configuration though. yaml file, it helps to split your configuration into dedicated files, especially with large installations For incoming data, a template converts the incoming JSON value or raw data into a valid payload.

Incoming payloads are represented with possible JSON values, so it’s possible to use them when providing values, including attributes in JSON-based payloads. I have an electric vehicle (EV) – it’s entry level, and 7 years old but it’s great.

Everyday I charge it at home via L2 charger I have a cell em monitoring the power (watts) of my charging supply, so I know when it’s charging. I’ve already defined a binary sensor to tell if the charging activity is on or not, but we’ll use a template sensor to visualize this.

Instead of EV, your source could be the position of a light or door sensor – you just need to know the normal position value of your input sensor. As in the Python equivalent, the filter accepts a guaranteed_ascii parameter, defaulting to True

Using Value Templates With Mqtt

If ensure_ascii is true, the output is guaranteed to escape all incoming non-ASCII characters If ensure_ascii is false, these characters will be output as Sometimes a template should only be returned if a value or object is defined, otherwise the given default value should be returned.

This can be useful for JSON payload validation The is_defined filter allows an error to be thrown if a value or object is not defined Opensource.com aims to release all material under a Creative Commons license but may not be able to do so in all cases.

Template Help To Improve On This? - Configuration - Home Assistant CommunitySource: community-assets.home-assistant.io

You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permission to reuse any work on this site. Red Hat and the Red Hat logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. , registered in the United States and other countries

The int(value, default) function is like a float, but converts to an integer instead. Like a float, it has the size of a filter, and leaving the default value throws an error. The fractional part is omitted: 1 is int(“1.5”).

Getting Started

The immediate if filter does not short-circuit as you would expect in a normal conditional statement. The if_true, if_false and if_none expressions will all be evaluated and the filter will return only one of the result values.

This means that you cannot use this filter to block an expression that will cause an error This depends on the integration or platform, but it is common to be able to define a template using the value_template configuration key.

When a new value arrives, your template will be rendered with access to the following values ​​on the normal Home Assistant extension: If your template uses an entity_id that starts with a number (for example: states.device_tracker.2008_gmc) the Entity_id will be misrepresented.

You must use parentheses syntax to avoid errors caused by In the given example, the correct syntax for the device tracker is: states.device_tracker [‘2008_gmc’] Notation script: ! Includes scripts . You will notice that each of these files is related to the files shown when the folder icon is clicked

Is Defined

iif returns the if_true value if the condition is true, the if_false value if it is false, and the if_none value if it is not false. An empty string, an empty mapping or an empty list are all false, see the Python documentation for an in-depth explanation.

This file differs from binary_sensor.yaml in one important way: sensors within this configuration file can have very different information in their payloads. View a solid slice of sensor data, temperature is_number returns true if the input can be parsed with a Python float function and false if the input is inf or not parsed, otherwise false.

Home Assistant Dashboards For Tablet And Mobile – Smart Home MakersSource: leonardosmarthomemakers.com

Note that Python bool will return true but string “true” and “false” will return false. It can be used as a filter Second, there is a new definition of value_template Most sensors, custom or not, send their data in a JSON payload

The template tells Home Assistant where the JSON file contains important information The following shows the raw JSON coming from my home sensor (I used the jq program to make the JSON more readable.) Templating in Home Assistant is powered by the Jinja2 templating engine.

Entity_id That Begins With A Number

This means that we are using its syntax and making some custom home assistant variables available to the template during rendering. Jinja2 supports different types of operations: In the above loop we have the keywords “for” and “i” which means to assign each sensor position to each state in the list, then in line 2 we output the property entity_d and property state .

The first gives us the name and the second the value The byte value represents the Unicode codepoint of the order filter character when the argument is a Unicode object, or when the argument is an 8-bit string.

You should spend time deciding which icons you are going to use; And the MDI cheat sheet is a great resource For me, I need two icons – one for charging and one for ready to drive (ie fully charged), and I’ve gone for mdi:lightning and mdi:car-electric for this state.

Timestamp Filter_utc (default) Converts a UNIX timestamp to an ISO format string representation as a date/time in the UTC time zone. If that fails, return the default value, or if omitted it raises an error. If the string requires a custom string format, use timestamp_custom instead

The /Config/Sensoryaml File

The to_json filter serializes an object into a JSON string In some cases, a JSON string may need to be formatted for use with webhooks, as parameters to command line utilities or other applications. This can be tricky in a special template, especially when dealing with escaping special characters

By using the To_json filter, this is handled automatically If your template is returning a timestamp that should be displayed in the interface (for example, as a sensor entity with device_class:timestamp ), you must ensure that it is in ISO 8601 format (which means the date and the “T” separator between it. time

Unable To Input Text On Automation Condition Template Type · Issue #1601 ·  Home-Assistant/Frontend · GithubSource: user-images.githubusercontent.com

). Otherwise, initial rendering on macOS and iOS devices will display an error The following value template will generate errors like: I am home or not, can be used to determine whether I have guests in my home.

Clicking on one of these badges allows me to toggle the boolean, and this object can be read by automation to determine how the “smart device” responds to human presence (if at all). I’ll revisit booleans in a future article when I examine Node-RED in more detail.

Building Templates

Please sign in to use Codespace After naming your file in Configuration.yaml, you need to create it In the file editor, click the folder icon again There is a small icon of a piece of paper with a + sign in the middle

Click on it to bring up this dialog: Once this is done, launch the file editor There is a folder icon in the header bar at the top left This is the navigation icon The /config folder is where the configuration files you care about are stored

If you click on the folder icon, you’ll see some important files: relative_time Converts a Dataitem object to a human-friendly “age” string. Age can be in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years (but only the largest unit is considered, eg, if it is 2 days and 3 hours, “2 days” will be added backwards).

Note that this only works for past dates In this sixth article, I will go through YAML configuration files This is mostly unnecessary if you are using integrations supported in the user interface (UI). However, there are times, especially if you’re pulling custom sensor data, when you need to get your hands dirty with configuration files.

Making It Work

First, using the template structure, give your new sensor a name and description; I went for ev_state Next is the value_template – which is a keyword section Here I used both states of sensor.ev_charging_state if_false is optional, returns false if the condition is false

if_none is optional, returning the value of if_false if the condition is not met. I have three main types of binary sensors: door, motion and power A binary sensor has only two states: on or off

All my binary sensors send their data to MQTT For more information about MQTT, see my article on cloud vs. local control In this article, I looked at the YAML configuration files and added some custom sensors to the mix

You’re well on your way to some functional automation with Home Assistant and Node-RED In the next article, I’ll dive into some basic Node-RED flows and introduce some basic automation.

To/From Json

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